Flexibililty is definitely one of the most important aspects of fitness and has a very substantial
role in every other part. It is extremly important to maintain a high flexibilty, as it will reduce the risk of injury in
any sport ten-fold and will also improve your performance. For some, flexibility does not come naturally, but even so it should
still be strived for.
If you are wondering how flexibilty works and why there are different levels of it, this page will
explain. Flexibility is determined basically by how far a muscle can stretch it's fibers. As the fibers can stretch more,
the muscle becomes more flexible. The reason a muscle needs to stretch is that when a muscle fibre contracts the muscle fibers
shorten, and when it expands the muscle fibers lengthen. Now, the further the muscles fibers can stretch and lengthen the
longer of an eccentric movement it can make, thus giving your more flexibililty.
The best way to improve your flexibility is to stretch every muscle group two or three times a day
before and after any period of exercise. But one thing to be very carefull of is that you are warmed up before you stretch,
otherwise you can hurt your muscles because they will not be prepared to stretch, which can lead to a strain or pull.
Below is a list of muscles that should be stretched on a regular basis.